extra line at the end of the form


I was trying to make a 468x60 banner with form elements. but after i inserted the form end tag it creates an extra line, like a <br>. is there anyway to get rid of this extra line?<!--content-->cobolDino usually adds a style tago to the form tag.<br />
something like: style="display: inline"<!--content-->do this to the form tag:<br />
<br />
<form style="display:inline"><!--content-->HAHA same timestamp... great minds think alike...<!--content-->ha!<!--content-->thanks guys, it worked great. but one thing, does it do anything wierd with older browsers?<!--content-->It doesn't do anything weird, but older browsers will ignore the style attribute. <br />
<br />
If possible, you can alternately embed the closing form tag into an area of the code that will not create a newline:<br />
<br />
</td></form></tr></table><br />
<br />
Regards,<br />