I'm trying to dynamically map an XML input on Extjs in the form of:\[code\]...<value id="1">true</value><value id="2">false</value><value id="3">false</value>...\[/code\]And I have some checkboxes that need to map this data, that are being placed inside a cycle like this:\[code\]new Ext.form.Checkbox({boxLabel: 'myCheckbox'+i, name: data.value})\[/code\]I'm trying to process the record and then access the date when creating the checboxes. And this is what my mapping looks like: \[code\]mapping: 'value',convert: function(v, rec){ var meReader = new Ext.data.XmlReader({ record: 'value'}, [{name: 'id',mapping: @id}]); var data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15554081/meReader.readRecords(rec).records;}\[/code\]How can I use my mapping to place the correct values (matching the id with "i") in the checkboxes and to return the values back to the server using the same container (true) ?How can I achieve this? Thank you for your help