ExtJS - dynamically map XML elements


New Member
I'm trying to dynamically map an XML input on Extjs in the form of:\[code\]...<value_1>val</value_1><value_2>val</value_2><value_3>val</value_3>...\[/code\]so the mapping with be something like\[code\] mapping: ['value_1','value_2','value_3']\[/code\]But the thing is the number of values is not fixed. I do know the number of values in each screen load and I do know how to parse a collection like this with an Ext.data.XmlReader:\[code\]<values> <value>1</value> <value>2</value></values>\[/code\]But I have no idea how to parse the first example and add it to the mapping. Can you help me? Thank you