External DTD causes error in ASP Page


New Member
Hi all,I am using the msxml2.domdocument object to load some xml from the request(xml is posted from a vb application that I wrote). The xml document referencesan External DTD, <!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cxml.org/schemas/cXML/1.1.009/cXML.dtd">.When I load this xml using the loadXML from within the VB program, all iswell. Also, I can open the xml file in IE and it appears to parse correctly.However, when I post this same XML to my ASP page and attempt to validateit using the External DTD it causes the following parserError:-2146697209:No data is available for the requested resourceI understand that this was supposed to be fixed in msxml3.0, but apparentlyis not. I need to use this external DTD, does anyone have any idea's?? belowis the code from my asp pageif request.servervariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" thenset xmlDOM = server.createobject("msxml2.domdocument")xml = request.binaryread(request.totalbytes)for i = 1 to Request.TotalBytesxmlString = xmlString & String(1,AscB(MidB(xml,i,1)))nextxmlDOM.async = falsexmlDOM.validateOnParse = truexmlDOM.resolveExternals = truexmlDOM.loadXML xmlStringresponse.write(xmlDOM.parseError.errorCode & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.filepos & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.line & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.linepos & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.reason & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.srcText & "|")response.write(xmlDOM.parseError.url & "|")response.endend ifI have also tried the msxml2.domdocument.3.0 but to no avail...same error.thanks for any help!David Rancour