Extending XML validation / auto-completion


New Member
I have several types of data-sources, that I would like to use for additional XML validation and providing auto-completion (using Eclipse if possible).This source could be some other XML (from another or the same file):\[code\]<type name="TypeA"/><type name="TypeB"/>\[/code\]or a Java-class\[code\]public List<String> getValues() { return Arrays.asList("Val1", "Val2", "Val3");}\[/code\]These values are then referenced in other XML-files:\[code\]<x type="TypeA" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10719513/Val2" /><x type="TypeB" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10719513/Val3" />\[/code\]Now I would like to improve editing this file by
  • Validating the XML-File (underline wrong types/values, if possible display a red x in Package Expl.)
  • Providing code-completion (suggest \[code\]TypeA\[/code\] and \[code\]TypeB\[/code\] when typing \[code\]type="\[/code\])
I'll certainly have to write some code, but what is the best way start?
  • Can the standard XML-Editor be extended?
  • Are there any plugins that can help? (Maybe Rinzo XML Editor?)
  • Any other options that I did not think of?