Extending WP eCommerce Notification Emails in WordPress


New Member
I am having a nightmare trying to extend the admin emails in wp ecommerce for wordpress.The reports are very basic and no documentation to support adding to the emails.I want to be able to add shipping address details to the admin report so I don't have to log into the Wordpress backend to view the purchase_log everytime I make a sale.I have tried following an example from here http://getshopped.org/forums/topic/add-shipping-method-to-admin-email/ but with no luck.I have added this: \[code\] $report = str_replace( '%shipping_country%', $purchase_log['shipping_country'], $report ); $report = str_replace( '%billing_country%', $purchase_log['billing_country'], $report ); $report = str_replace( '%shipping_country%', $purchase_log['shipping_country'], $report ); $report = str_replace( '%buyer_name%', wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_name(), $report ); $report = str_replace( '%shipping_address%', wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_address(), $report ); $report = str_replace( '%shipping_city%', wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_city(), $report ); $report = str_replace( '%shipping_country%', wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_country(), $report );\[/code\]to this (which is originally in wpsc_transaction_results_functions.php)\[code\] $report = apply_filters( 'wpsc_transaction_result_report', $report ); $report = str_replace( '%purchase_id%', $report_id, $report ); $report = str_replace( '%product_list%', $report_product_list, $report ); $report = str_replace( '%total_tax%', $total_tax, $report ); $report = str_replace( '%total_shipping%', $total_shipping_email, $report );\[/code\]etc...but I get the following error after entering credit card details - does anyone know of a simple way to add to the report?Cheers guys