Extended-Reputation-Display 1.0


New Member
Hello all,

I love this mod. it is called jew stars in my opinion but it replaces your rep with stars and has the little rep bars under the stars every time you get repped it goes up when you reach a new star you start over and have 2 stars now. then goes up to silver when you get about 6 bronze stars. Hope you all will love it.

Extended Reputation Display - For vBulletin 3.8

This hack extends the existing reputation display system to green and golden pips, and then large bronze, silver and gold stars as the pips limit is reached.

If your reputation is zero then the neutral grey pip is displayed. The nuber of green/gold pips and their value is controlled in the vBulletin Options (Reputation) 

Step 1 ;

Copy the new gif images into your '/images/reputation' folder.

Step 2 ;

Import the XML file as a product using the ACP Product Manager.

Your Welcome, Delifed