Exporting MySQL data to xml using PHP - HTML encoding and general error BRAIN MELT


New Member
Anyone who can answer my question deserves a BIG FAT GOLD MEDAL OF AWESOMENESS!I'm trying to get the contents of a MySQL table into a nice, easy XML format. I'm running a bit of PHP which works great and I can see XML (Good times). However, in the MySQL table there are a couple of fields which are populated with non-encoded HTML table code. I'm wrapping each field value that I get inside CDATA tags, I've made sure that the xml tags are being closed, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something because it's erroring and I can't see why (Bad times). It looked fine to me, so I tried to open this in Excel (as that's how the client will see it) it claimed that the start tag of "package" was matched with an end tag of "long_description".http://www.shavesgreensafaris.com/display.php is the page that I'm working on so you can see the data there.This is the code I'm using...\[code\] $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; $root_element = "packages"; $xml .= "<$root_element>"; if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { while($result_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $xml .= "<package>"; //loop through each key,value pair in row foreach($result_array as $key => $value) { //$key holds the table column name $xml .= "<$key>"; //embed the SQL data in a CDATA element to avoid XML entity issues $xml .= "<![CDATA[$value]]>"; //and close the element $xml .= "</$key>"; } $xml.="</package>"; } }//close the root element$xml .= "</$root_element>";//send the xml header to the browserheader ("Content-Type:text/xml"); //output the XML dataecho $xml;\[/code\]What ON EARTH am I doing wrong?!EDITOK, so there appears to be something that removes one "<" from a long_description tag around line 310 - you can search in the view source if you want to see it as ">long_description>" - something really weird has happened and the tag isn't properly formed. I wasn't entirely sure HOW this could happen as the code I'm using definitely puts opening and closing angle brackets on all $keys. It only happens once, but it seems to stuff everything else up. Anyone know why this might be occurring?Any help HUGELY appreciated, and thanks in advance!Gem