Well, the webproject I built on my local webserver works fine, but now I want to export it to the actual webserver which resides on another PC. So I just copied all the files and pasted them on the actual webserver. But I get "Server application unavailable". What did I do wrong, or forgot to do ?!When you created the directory did you create a virtual directory in IIS? The project has to run in it's own application. Also, did you copy all the subdirectories over as well? The bin directory is where the application dll get's stored.Yep, I copied all the subdirectories and made a virtual directory. But I think I found why my application doesn't work. When I open the project file directly on the actual webserver in Visual Studio.NET, it's says it can't open it because the filepath "localhost/myapplication" doesn't correspond with the filepath on the actual webserver. So where can I change this ?!I have been looking for this info as well. Just got VS.NET and have not figured out how to transfer data from server to home and vice versa like in Visual Interdev. From what I have read, I think you have to develope offline like you did, but then deploy the code. I do not think its as simple as copying the files to the server. It almost read like you install the new code on the server. I am still digging and also trying to figure out how I am going to develop offline at home since most of my code has alot of SQL embedded in it. I need access to the SQL server for all my code and do not want to have to re-write code once its on the server since the SQL server and DB name could change between the two. <BR><BR>Waiting to see if anyone else knows how to do what we both would like to do.<BR><BR>PatrickI just bought the book Effective Visual Studio.Net from Wrox. I found an example of deploying a site in here. It says this:<BR><BR>use the xcopy command to copy the files over in a windows command prompt:<BR><BR>xcopy ClockControl_Web "\WebServerwwwroot$ClockControl_Web" /i /e /y<BR><BR>Substitute your webserver for webserver and clockcontrol_web for your website. I am not sure on the specifics of this command. The way you copied it may work as well, but here is the part that you may have missed.<BR><BR>*** On the server that contains this new installation, you must open IIS MMC snap-in. Select the web folder and click properties. There should be a button called create that you need to select. <BR><BR>Hope that helps,<BR>Patrick