Exploding acronyms to ensure a synthesizer reads them properly?


New Member
If I feed a speech synthesizer (festival, in this case, but it applies to all) the following bit of text:"At the USPGA championship in the US, the BBC reporter went MIA".it reads "At the uspga championship in the us, the BBC reporter went mia".In other words, I guess that because it's a cluster of consonants, it reads "BBC" properly but makes "words" out of the others.The simplest thing to do, I suppose, would be to run it through a phpscript which looked for 2 or more capital letters, and simply"explodes" the word into spaces, like U S P G A.I realise it would would cause weirdness with things like "I told himN O T to do that", but in news reports that tends to happen less.Here's the thing; I can "explode" a word OK, the problem is, I'm one of those people who, despite months of trying, just can't get their head round certain aspects of REGEX.In this case, it's looking for: two or more letters next to each other in capitals.The reason I gave all the pre-amble above is in case there's a better way of doing this I hadn't found or through of - perhaps a db of acronyms to words or something.