I have a file with an XSD element which contains a '-' character. This is a recent change to the XSD file and after compiling the file I am seeing no change to the accessor method used in my java code. Additionally when I attempt to call this element in my java code it throws a null pointer exception. I receive no errors compiling the xsd file, I have restarted and cleaned my project multiple times. Can someone please explain how XMLBeans is handling the addition of the '-' character, or how I can better handle this situation?Example:Old:\[code\]<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FooBoo">\[/code\]Old Accessor Method:\[code\]getFooBoo();\[/code\]New:\[code\]<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Foo-Boo">\[/code\]New Accessor Method:\[code\]getFooBoo();\[/code\]Expected New Accessor Method: getFoo_Boo();