New Member
I have been trying to get this exit pop to work. So far I can get it to work on a Mac in FF, Chrome and Safari, but struggling with IE, FF, Chrome for Windows. These are two snippets that I have tried so far:\[code\]<script language=javascript>function thankYou(){var"[]", "_blank", "left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,scrollbars=1"); win.focus(); }</script><body onUnload="thankYou()">\[/code\]and\[code\]<SCRIPT>function thankYou() {var ConfirmStatus = confirm("We would love to receive your feedback on your experience of this page. Would you like to complete our short survey?");if (ConfirmStatus == true) {"", "win", "left=20,top=20, functioning on Windows. Thanks in advance!