Executing update for MySQL with double byte makes field incorrect string


New Member
MySQL is set as UTF-8(\[code\]utf8_general_ci\[/code\]: MySQL, Table, Column).I can SELECT varchar value as original double byte character via \[code\]ADODB\[/code\] and \[code\]ASP\[/code\](Legacy VB Script). These characters are inserted from phpMyAdmin.ASP pages are saved as \[code\]encoding Shift_JIS\[/code\] and ADODB connection parameter is indicated as dsn=...;APP=ASP Script;\[code\]STMT=SET CHARACTER SET SJIS;\[/code\]But when I will UPDATE field from ASP, updated varchar string has NO(ommited) double byte character but has single byte character in phpMyAdmin.How to fix these update/insert issue?I tried to change MySQL charset to sjis but it wouldn't fix the issue.