New Member
I'm working on an ASP.Net project, with C#.Usually, when I need to put Buttons that will execute some methods, I will use the ASP Controller (Button) inside a runat="server" form.But I feel that this really limits the capabilities of my website, because when I used to work with JSP, I used jquery to reach a servlet to execute some codes and return a responseText.I did not check yet how this is done in ASP.Net, but my question concerns controllers and the famous runat="server".When I add a runat="server" to any HTML Element, I'm supposed to be able to manipulate this HTML element in C# (Server-Side), and this actually works, I can change the ID, set the InnerText or InnerHtml, but the thing that I can't get, is why can't I execute a method by clicking on this element?The "onclick" attribute is for JavaScript I think, and OnServerClick doesn't seem to work as well. Is it something wrong with my codes? or this doesn't work at all?