executing server-side command lines


New Member
I know you can use ASPExec to execute command lines with Classic ASP, but how can you do this with ASP.NET? The code I had for ASPExec doesn't work and I can't figure how to accomplish this either with or without ASPExec. Any ideas!?Check out the Process class:<BR>ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpref/html/frlrfSystemDiagnosticsProcessMembersTopic.htm<BR><BR>It is in the System.Diagnostics namespace and contains a Start static method that might getcha what you want. I _assume_ you can use this technique through an ASP.NET Web page, but I'm not 100% certain. FYI, I have used Process.Start through a C# WinForms app before. hth