Excel to XML using XSD mapping


New Member
1: I wanted to generate XSD file from an xml file using schema generating tool. I succeeded in this step.\[code\] xsd ComponentList.xml <Enter>\[/code\]2: I got ComponentList.xsd file as output.\[code\] <xs:schema...> <xs:element name="ComponentList"> <xs:ComplexType> ... ... </xs:ComplexType> <xs:/element> </xs:schema>\[/code\]3: Now, i had a set of rows of data in Excel which i wanted to export it to ComponentList.xml file using the schema generated by the xsd tool.4: I donot know, it said the XML Maps in the workbook are not exportable.I am wondering, i completely used MS technology here, instead of defining my own schema definition and map my data from excel to XML, but my thoughts were dismantled due to the reason mentioned in step4. I tried many ways, but simply invain.