Excel Tables

Hello,<br />
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My buddy & I have a small fantasy nascar league. To keep track of the teams and winner we use Excel. I currently cut out the excel table and paste it in HomeSite 4.5. HomeSite creates all the code for me but like MS Front Page it inserts alot of code, that I don't think is needed. This is an easy method but it causes the page to load slow.<br />
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Any ideas on how to get this page to load much quicker?<br />
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Check it out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://personal.myvine.com/~cooper/nascar/stats.htm">http://personal.myvine.com/~cooper/nascar/stats.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://personal.myvine.com/~cooper/nascar/stats2.htm">http://personal.myvine.com/~cooper/nascar/stats2.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks in advance for any help.<br />
Gary<!--content-->if all you needs is a table then just save the excel file as html. you will have to go back in and fine tune it but it will do just html and no extra stuff. there seems to be a lot of code just to show a table with numbers in it.<!--content-->