HEllo everybody!<BR>I have following problem - I have excel worksheet with some calculations and need to fill some cells with values and read results from excel into aspx.<BR>but i got error - <BR>"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Old format or invalid type library." I gave all privileges to everyone, to ASPNET, to IUSR account to run and access..<BR><BR>Code example<BR><BR>Dim xlApp As Excel.Application<BR>Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook<BR>Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet<BR>xlApp = New Excel.Application()<BR>xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c: est.xls") <BR>xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks(1) <BR>xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)<BR><BR>it is working well from Windows...mean VB.NET windows application - i've tested and debugged it..<BR>I understand that there only some small issue to tune...but which one...<BR><BR>Best regards,<BR>AntonYou may want to try to modify your machine.config file. the <procesModel> node has an attribute called username. Change it from machine to system. Be warned that MS tightened the security after Beta 2, so changing this back to system may put you at risk, but I have production servers in a nuclear plant running under that context, so it's not that big a deal. If you are exposed directly to the web, this may be more of a concern for you than it was for me.You may want to try to modify your machine.config file. the <procesModel> node has an attribute called username. Change it from machine to system. Be warned that MS tightened the security after Beta 2, so changing this back to system may put you at risk, but I have production servers in a nuclear plant running under that context, so it's not that big a deal. If you are exposed directly to the web, this may be more of a concern for you than it was for me.Thanks for you response....but solution in bit another area...<BR>we found it.<BR>the version on MS excel (language) and culture for page HAVE TO BE IDENTICAL!!!!<BR>when i've setted up <BR><%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="readexcel.aspx.vb" Inherits="store.readexcel" culture="en-US"%><BR>it get runned ...without culture="en-US" does not works....<BR>Seems Microsoft applied to much efforts...<BR><BR>4 days delay for 10 characters :-(<BR>