Example of using XML functions in MySQL. PHP


New Member
Can someone please provide an example of how to store, and read xml data into MySQL? I'm using php, and I've read this documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/xml-functions.htmlBut I simply cannot get results that I want. Thank you very much. (I'm using this because I have a lot of calls to the data stored in the xml, and I need faster functions.)[EDIT]As per request: I currently have 30k .xml files with anywhere from 25-50 elements in each file. I ask for values in various files hundreds of times a second. I'm finding there's a huge bottleneck from the I/O actions preformed here. I think storing the data from the .xml files into a database would make accessing the valuesa much faster process. I'm asking for help/advice on how to go about this.