exact keyword and broad keyword research??


New Member
Can any one tell me about what is diffrence between exact keyword and broad keyword research.

Thanks These are terms related to Google Adwords, and this is how Google defines them:

Broad match: keyword
Allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations
(The broad match modifier may also be used to further refine your broad keyword matches: +keyword.)

Exact match: [keyword]
Allows your ad to show for searches that match the exact phrase exclusively

(source: http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=6100) Here's a quick answer to your question:

Broad Match will show results for search term on a broad scale. For instance, if you type the term ‘dogs’ as a search term, you will get results for ‘puppy dogs’, 'dog supplies', dog breeds, 'golden dog' and so on.

However, Exact Match will give results for the exact term searched for. So if you use the term ‘dog supplies’ you will receive results for ‘dog supplies’ only.

There are no aggregates involved; the result shows the total searches made for the exact keyword. It is recommended that you have this option selected when checking for search volumes as it omits the traffic got by terms you have not