Evernote javascript bookmark importer


New Member
Evernote user 'iwqnna' has created a great javascript tool for importing html bookmarks into Evernote: http://jsfiddle.net/kT4nj/ (description here). Unfortunately it doesn't import the additional notes that can be contained in Google Bookmarks. Do you know how I could modify the javascript import tool to maintain this additional info as well? In the html file I am importing from (exported from Google Bookmarks) the additional note data comes after the \[code\]<DD>\[/code\] tag.e.g. \[code\]<H3 ADD_DATE="1344874450147601">Tag name here</H3><DL><p><DT><A HREF="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12541767/url 1 here" ADD_DATE="date here">Bookmark 1 name here</A><DD>More detailed note about bookmark 1 here<DT><A HREF="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12541767/url 2 here" ADD_DATE="date here">Bookmark 2 name here</A><DD>More detailed note about bookmark 2 here</DL>\[/code\]Additionally, although the existing tool successfully imports notes into Evernote desktop, there seem to be some issues with syncing notes imported via this script. The activity log says:e.g. \[quote\] 21:13:41 [576] 86% Skipping note "note name here" flagged as unsyncable (0x4) local flags (ENML_VALIDATION)\[/quote\]Any ideas? This is the closest I've come to a satisfactory import solution when running Windows, and I'd really appreciate some help clearing the last hurdle. Many thanks.