I came up this this concept in late 2008. I then began deploying it on 01/01/2009. Recently I have been sharing this idea all over the various SEO related forums and I thought that I would share it here as well.
Unless you have visited my blog over the last 13 months (which most of you have not) you will have likely never heard of Scratch My Back Marketing and how it might just benefit your link building efforts.
This link building process is basically about a non spam approach to the backlinks building. The emphasis here is about win/win marketing. You win because you get those much needed Do Follow backlinks. The website benefits because from have relevant new content. And the reader benefits from not seeing a bunch of spam comments. Like I said it's all about win/win here.
Scratch My Back Marketing is a backlinks building concept that also involves the use of branding and advertising in the backlinks building process. It requires that the backlink builder exchange useful content or comments in exchange for those much needed and very valuable Do Follow links.
This may seem like common sense to some of you but most do not consider these to be part of backlinks building process. And I believe that they are missing a great opportunity. After all, every comment made reflects back on you and your business. Every comment also has the potential to bring in new business.
The advantages of Scratch My Back Marketing can be huge for the website being linked to and for the website being commented on. Your link building comments, posts, and threads are certainly less likely to be deleted if you are adding value and are not overly self promoting.
You are also less likely to be banned from that site if you leave a quality comment or post. An additional benefit is that in the process it might actually produce increased website traffic and business. Again, Increasing business after all is the ultimate goal, right?
Have you ever visited a site or blog from a comment that read "interesting article?" The answer is likely a resounding no. But it is possible that you might visit a website from someone who left a useful comment or post. I think just about every ones will follow a link from a great comment every once in a while.
Have you ever done business with someone who left a comment that read "solid post?" The answer again is likely to be a big fat no on this one as well.
Yes, if you play the numbers long enough you will gets links by taking the easy path. But each of those linking possibilities was a missed opportunity to promote your website to humans. After, its not the search engines that buy your products or services. Right?
Yes, adding useful content and comments does take more time but those comments are not likely to be deleted so you are further ahead in the long run.
I did a case study that lasted a year and the results were incredible. Quality does rule in the end and the benefits are not fleeting! This is a great concept that I read about first on a Ning site. I started using it a few weeks ago and already I am moving up in the rankings. Thanks for sharing. tough part would be getting parties involved have commitment on the same level. Not a new concept.
Teamie A: I'm looking for a hosting service that can provide (specification 1, specification 2, etc etc). I need a reliable provider with 150% uptime and servers that smell like buttercups. Anyone know where I can find this?
Teamie B: You're in luck. I notice that Buttercup Hosting is running a special this week on their Buttercup Scented Server package... with 150% uptime guaranteed, and lots of etc etc.
Teamie C: Yes... their servers smell wonderful... I've used their service and not only are they reliable, having their service saved my marriage and caused my bald spot to grow new hair.
Teamie D: Yep... I experienced hair regrowth from using their hosting package too. I highly recommend them!
While they have a group hug... Teamie E... the owner of Buttercup Hosting... is busily typing a post about the wonders of the service provided by Teamie A in another thread.
It's still basically spam, just thru collusion instead of direct self promotion. We have (and will) shut it down here... it's generally pretty obvious after a few rounds. If you elect to practice it, do it elsewhere. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones Not a new concept.
Teamie A: I'm looking for a hosting service that can provide (specification 1, specification 2, etc etc). I need a reliable provider with 150% uptime and servers that smell like buttercups. Anyone know where I can find this?
Teamie B: You're in luck. I notice that Buttercup Hosting is running a special this week on their Buttercup Scented Server package... with 150% uptime guaranteed, and lots of etc etc.
Teamie C: Yes... their servers smell wonderful... I've used their service and not only are they reliable, having their service saved my marriage and caused my bald spot to grow new hair.
Teamie D: Yep... I experienced hair regrowth from using their hosting package too. I highly recommend them!
While they have a group hug... Teamie E... the owner of Buttercup Hosting... is busily typing a post about the wonders of the service provided by Teamie A in another thread.
It's still basically spam, just thru collusion instead of direct self promotion. We have (and will) shut it down here... it's generally pretty obvious after a few rounds. If you elect to practice it, do it elsewhere. Wow, there certainly was no attempt to spam your forum. I'm not sure where that came from. The concept here is to encourage people to leave useful comments and content in exchange for useful backlinks. How that got turned into spam I really don't know.
I used this approach for a year to prove its effectiveness before I started sharing it on forums. I share it because it works and maybe my blog will get less spam as an indirect result. Was just telling you the form it had taken here and why it was halted. We cant expect people to know what is not permissible without ever having heard any objection to it. There's zero harm in being generous about other's products, it's a good idea. OTOH... trading press releases tit for tat within setup threads becomes obvious.
What i described above has happened here (check the Hosting and Domain forums before Jan 16), and I didnt "turn it into spam", it IS spam. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones it IS spam. Speaking of. I just dont like puppet shows. For example, there are over 6.8 BILLION people on the globe, and this forum is populated by people from all over the planet. What a coincidence that this thread of this nature was bumped with a glowing agreement and a "thank you for sharing" post by someone in the same city as the OP.
Coincidences like that often precede bans.
I might add the OP is not on the same ID she started with on V7n... (see geurbie) and we'd really appreciate it if you just stick with ONE. Speaking of coincidences... the same ID that bumped it here because " I read about first on a Ning site" also bumped it in another forum to say "A friend told me about your blog that is where I first heard about Scratch My Back Marketing". See post here.
So yes, in answer... it is spam, it is just a puppet show, and you are gone.
Added: I asked the OP via PM about having multiple IDs here and she failed to respond as to which one she wished to keep, so the decision was made for her... none. If anyone wants a perfect example of how Google detects spam and dupe, three hours ago there were over 30 results when I linked the result upp there.
Down to 9 now.
Rob, you can't retrieve the links in their sig by any chance, can you? Would love to follow up. I found out they hit at least 5 of the forums I host and we had a quick lesson on how to search for copies of content. Waiting to see how many forum owner respond in my own support forums. (It is the weekend afterall.)
edit: Oh lookie. They're on Hostgator. Yep... I'll drop those to you in a PM.
Sadly had the girl not decided she needed a couple of logins to do her bidding she'd still have the sigs on the 274 posts she made with her first ID. Instead she thought this was bring your imaginary friends to work day, and she lost all those links. What part of that qualifies as "effective marketing"?
Weird part is she thinks she invented this BS, but people have been getting banned from forums for years for this stuff. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones bring your imaginary friends to work day *sshhh* They may hear you.
Thanks for the pm. I don;t have a contact at hostgator but I'll send them an email.
Unless you have visited my blog over the last 13 months (which most of you have not) you will have likely never heard of Scratch My Back Marketing and how it might just benefit your link building efforts.
This link building process is basically about a non spam approach to the backlinks building. The emphasis here is about win/win marketing. You win because you get those much needed Do Follow backlinks. The website benefits because from have relevant new content. And the reader benefits from not seeing a bunch of spam comments. Like I said it's all about win/win here.
Scratch My Back Marketing is a backlinks building concept that also involves the use of branding and advertising in the backlinks building process. It requires that the backlink builder exchange useful content or comments in exchange for those much needed and very valuable Do Follow links.
This may seem like common sense to some of you but most do not consider these to be part of backlinks building process. And I believe that they are missing a great opportunity. After all, every comment made reflects back on you and your business. Every comment also has the potential to bring in new business.
The advantages of Scratch My Back Marketing can be huge for the website being linked to and for the website being commented on. Your link building comments, posts, and threads are certainly less likely to be deleted if you are adding value and are not overly self promoting.
You are also less likely to be banned from that site if you leave a quality comment or post. An additional benefit is that in the process it might actually produce increased website traffic and business. Again, Increasing business after all is the ultimate goal, right?
Have you ever visited a site or blog from a comment that read "interesting article?" The answer is likely a resounding no. But it is possible that you might visit a website from someone who left a useful comment or post. I think just about every ones will follow a link from a great comment every once in a while.
Have you ever done business with someone who left a comment that read "solid post?" The answer again is likely to be a big fat no on this one as well.
Yes, if you play the numbers long enough you will gets links by taking the easy path. But each of those linking possibilities was a missed opportunity to promote your website to humans. After, its not the search engines that buy your products or services. Right?
Yes, adding useful content and comments does take more time but those comments are not likely to be deleted so you are further ahead in the long run.
I did a case study that lasted a year and the results were incredible. Quality does rule in the end and the benefits are not fleeting! This is a great concept that I read about first on a Ning site. I started using it a few weeks ago and already I am moving up in the rankings. Thanks for sharing. tough part would be getting parties involved have commitment on the same level. Not a new concept.
Teamie A: I'm looking for a hosting service that can provide (specification 1, specification 2, etc etc). I need a reliable provider with 150% uptime and servers that smell like buttercups. Anyone know where I can find this?
Teamie B: You're in luck. I notice that Buttercup Hosting is running a special this week on their Buttercup Scented Server package... with 150% uptime guaranteed, and lots of etc etc.
Teamie C: Yes... their servers smell wonderful... I've used their service and not only are they reliable, having their service saved my marriage and caused my bald spot to grow new hair.
Teamie D: Yep... I experienced hair regrowth from using their hosting package too. I highly recommend them!
While they have a group hug... Teamie E... the owner of Buttercup Hosting... is busily typing a post about the wonders of the service provided by Teamie A in another thread.
It's still basically spam, just thru collusion instead of direct self promotion. We have (and will) shut it down here... it's generally pretty obvious after a few rounds. If you elect to practice it, do it elsewhere. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones Not a new concept.
Teamie A: I'm looking for a hosting service that can provide (specification 1, specification 2, etc etc). I need a reliable provider with 150% uptime and servers that smell like buttercups. Anyone know where I can find this?
Teamie B: You're in luck. I notice that Buttercup Hosting is running a special this week on their Buttercup Scented Server package... with 150% uptime guaranteed, and lots of etc etc.
Teamie C: Yes... their servers smell wonderful... I've used their service and not only are they reliable, having their service saved my marriage and caused my bald spot to grow new hair.
Teamie D: Yep... I experienced hair regrowth from using their hosting package too. I highly recommend them!
While they have a group hug... Teamie E... the owner of Buttercup Hosting... is busily typing a post about the wonders of the service provided by Teamie A in another thread.
It's still basically spam, just thru collusion instead of direct self promotion. We have (and will) shut it down here... it's generally pretty obvious after a few rounds. If you elect to practice it, do it elsewhere. Wow, there certainly was no attempt to spam your forum. I'm not sure where that came from. The concept here is to encourage people to leave useful comments and content in exchange for useful backlinks. How that got turned into spam I really don't know.
I used this approach for a year to prove its effectiveness before I started sharing it on forums. I share it because it works and maybe my blog will get less spam as an indirect result. Was just telling you the form it had taken here and why it was halted. We cant expect people to know what is not permissible without ever having heard any objection to it. There's zero harm in being generous about other's products, it's a good idea. OTOH... trading press releases tit for tat within setup threads becomes obvious.
What i described above has happened here (check the Hosting and Domain forums before Jan 16), and I didnt "turn it into spam", it IS spam. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones it IS spam. Speaking of. I just dont like puppet shows. For example, there are over 6.8 BILLION people on the globe, and this forum is populated by people from all over the planet. What a coincidence that this thread of this nature was bumped with a glowing agreement and a "thank you for sharing" post by someone in the same city as the OP.
Coincidences like that often precede bans.
I might add the OP is not on the same ID she started with on V7n... (see geurbie) and we'd really appreciate it if you just stick with ONE. Speaking of coincidences... the same ID that bumped it here because " I read about first on a Ning site" also bumped it in another forum to say "A friend told me about your blog that is where I first heard about Scratch My Back Marketing". See post here.
So yes, in answer... it is spam, it is just a puppet show, and you are gone.
Added: I asked the OP via PM about having multiple IDs here and she failed to respond as to which one she wished to keep, so the decision was made for her... none. If anyone wants a perfect example of how Google detects spam and dupe, three hours ago there were over 30 results when I linked the result upp there.
Down to 9 now.
Rob, you can't retrieve the links in their sig by any chance, can you? Would love to follow up. I found out they hit at least 5 of the forums I host and we had a quick lesson on how to search for copies of content. Waiting to see how many forum owner respond in my own support forums. (It is the weekend afterall.)
edit: Oh lookie. They're on Hostgator. Yep... I'll drop those to you in a PM.
Sadly had the girl not decided she needed a couple of logins to do her bidding she'd still have the sigs on the 274 posts she made with her first ID. Instead she thought this was bring your imaginary friends to work day, and she lost all those links. What part of that qualifies as "effective marketing"?
Weird part is she thinks she invented this BS, but people have been getting banned from forums for years for this stuff. Quote: Originally Posted by robjones bring your imaginary friends to work day *sshhh* They may hear you.
Thanks for the pm. I don;t have a contact at hostgator but I'll send them an email.