Event handlers


Hey guys and gals. I'm a newbie so please be patient with my little

Using Visual Studio .NET, I have some buttons on an .aspx page,
the buttons have Click handlers defined, and the Click events
reference the handlers. I'll perform some work (make changes, move to another file, compile,etc.) and look back at the Click events and the reference to the handler is gone. This happens on several different pages and inconsistently? Any clues??

Also, is using the validator controls the preferred method of input validation?

Thank you.VS.NET hides when they wireup an event handler, on the left side there should be a + to expand VS.NET generated code.Thanks for the quick reply. The handler methods are fine.
When in design mode I click on a button in order to view properties,
then click on the lightnng bolt to view events, and the Click
event is no longer assigned a handler. So I'll assign one using the
drop down, save, compile and run and everything looks fine. Then
I'll do some other editing\compiling on some other file and when I
return to the original file the Click event no longer hasthe handler
assigned. Very wierd and can't figure out what sequence of events
causes the problem!