I have an event and a raising method as below :\[code\]public class Events { public event EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> Succeed; public virtual void OnSucceed(object sender, params object[] data) { CustomEventArgs args = new CustomEventArgs(data); EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> _succeed = Succeed; if (_succeed != null) { _succeed(sender, args); } }}\[/code\]I have created a unit test for the OnSucceed method (using FluentAssertions ):\[code\] [Test] public void SucceedShouldNotBeRaisedTest() { Events events = new Events(); events.MonitorEvents(); events.OnSucceed(this,"somedata"); events.ShouldNotRaise("Succeed"); }\[/code\]as there is no subscriber to the event then I expect it not to raise Succeed event but the test fails as Succeed event is raised . what's wrong with this ?!