New Member
I have evaluated various NNNNN.com's using Estibot's appraisal tools, and the results are pretty interesting. See discussions here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nnnnndomains.com/2008/02/estibot-update.html">http://www.nnnnndomains.com/2008/02/estibot-update.html</a><!-- m -->)and here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nnnnndomains.com/2008/02/estibot-appraisal-of-nnnnncom-portfolio.html">http://www.nnnnndomains.com/2008/02/est ... folio.html</a><!-- m -->). Certainly adds weight to the notion that numeric domains are undervalued in the market compared to their true economic value (simply based on search term metrics and so forth), although it appears following the buyout of NNNNN.com's that prices have already started so it seems more people are realizing the profit opportunities here. And if anyone wants to make me an offer on my NNNNN.com portfolio at the "generous" portfolio appraisal level from Estibot, I might take it under consideration .