I'm tring to upload data into a MySQL table using a .txt file on a Unix server and "LOAD DATA INFILE" statement of MySQL.
Here is the syntax I'm using...and the error I get :
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 920 to server version: 3.22.14b-gamma-virtual
Type 'help' for help.
mysql> select * from film_vhs;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> load data local infile "film.txt" into table film_vhs fields terminated b
y '^' enclosed by '#' lines terminated by '\r\n';
ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Have you ideas about the trouble or a different way that I can try to load data ?
Thank you
I'm tring to upload data into a MySQL table using a .txt file on a Unix server and "LOAD DATA INFILE" statement of MySQL.
Here is the syntax I'm using...and the error I get :
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 920 to server version: 3.22.14b-gamma-virtual
Type 'help' for help.
mysql> select * from film_vhs;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> load data local infile "film.txt" into table film_vhs fields terminated b
y '^' enclosed by '#' lines terminated by '\r\n';
ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Have you ideas about the trouble or a different way that I can try to load data ?
Thank you