ErrorController: worth it to move it to a default module


New Member
I'm trying out the module-based architecture for my application, where the \[code\]default\[/code\] module is what used to be the main application before. \[code\]modules/ default/ firstmodule secondmodule thirdmodule\[/code\]Each module has its \[code\]models, views, controllers\[/code\]. This is the default module as an example.\[code\] default/ models views controllers IndexController\[/code\]My problem is with the \[code\]ErrorController\[/code\] that zend creates by default at \[code\]application/controllers/ErrorController.php\[/code\]. I'd like to move it into the \[code\]default\[/code\] module's controllers folder, but I wonder if it needs any special treatment, being the ErrorController and all? Should I move it to \[code\]modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php\[/code\], or should I leave it at \[code\]application/controllers/ErrorController.php\[/code\]Edit: If I move it to default/controllers, then each of the other modules would not have an ErrorController. Does that mean that I'd have to define one for each module since the application itself doesn't have an ErrorController? and is it worth it to define one for each module?