Error 'xs' is an undeclared namespace when using xsd to create SOAP envelope C# class


New Member
I am trying to generate a C# class to serialize a SOAP envelope containing SAML assertions using the MS XSD.exe tool under .NET 4.I get an error "Error 'xs' is an undeclared" when xsd tries to process the soap-envelope.xsd file. I have tried including a \[code\]xmlns:xs=""\[/code\] and that resolves the error but generates the same for "tns" and I prefer not to modify standard files if at all possible.Of interesting note, I found to generate the SAML classes from the SAML assertion xsd, I had to include other schema definitions on the xsd command line (xmldsig-core-schema.xsd xenc-core-schema.xsd) in addition to saml-schema-assertion-2.0.xsd I'd appreciate any help that can be offered.Works
\[code\]xsd.exe xenc-core-schema.xsd saml-schema-assertion-2.0.xsd /n:NYeC.Common.SAML20/o:classes /c /l:cs /nologo\[/code\]Doesn't work
\[code\]xsd.exe soap-envelope.xsd /n:NYeC.Common.SOAP /o:classes /c /l:cs /nologo Error: 'xs' is an undeclared namespace. Line 17, position 5.\[/code\]