I am attempting to copy a zip file to a jar file in a C# method like this:\[code\]ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();start.FileName = "java.exe";start.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\mydir\";start.Arguments = @" -jar example.jar example.zip";Process java = new Process();java.StartInfo = start;java.Start();var stdOut = java.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();java.WaitForExit();Console.WriteLine(java.ExitCode.ToString());\[/code\]The problem is that I am receiving this error:Error: Unable to access jarfile example.jarI've confirmed that both example.jar and example.zip exist in the Working Directory and have also written a batch file that I can run and create a .jar file that is almost identical:\[code\]jar -cf example.jar test.zip\[/code\]I was able to run this without issue with this code:\[code\]const string batchFile = @"C:\mydir\batJar.bat";System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(batchFile);\[/code\]My environment variables (Windows 7) are also set up properly.