error sending form mail [was "ASP not working"]


I have a "Send Request" form in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> but all of a sudden is not working.. It gives me the following error when I fill up the form and hit the send request button:
"Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0006'

553 <[email protected]>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->

/aspemail.asp, line 45 "

Any help would be very much appreciatedHi Riyada,
I've moved your thread because I found it in the PHP forum...
I also renamed it with a more meaningful title so that people know what your problem is related to.

I'm afraid that I'm no real expert in ASP - I might be able to help you, though, and I know that there are many others here with more experience of ASP who can.

But, could you post your ASP source code? This is so we can have a gander and help find what might be causing the problem.

HKOops.. Sorry..
Here's the code:


Dim MyMail
' General Message Info
myHost = ""
myEmail = "[email protected]"
myPassword = "240856"
myTo = "[email protected]"
mySubj = "Rental Inquiry from Quinta Anabtawi"
myMsg = request.form("message")
strName = request.form("name")
strEmailUser = request.form("email")
straday = request.form("aday")
stramonth = request.form("amonth")
strayear = request.form("ayear")
strdday = request.form("dday")
strdmonth = request.form("dmonth")
strdyear = request.form("dyear")

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName & "<br />" & VBNewLine
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser & "<br />" & VBNewLine
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Dates Requested : From "& straday
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & stramonth
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strayear
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & " To : " & strdday
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strdmonth
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strdyear & "<br />" & VBNewLine
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & myMsg & "<br />" & VBNewLine

Set MyMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
MyMail.Host = myHost
MyMail.body = strEmailMess

MyMail.IsHTML = True
MyMail.From = request.form("email")
MyMail.Username = myEmail
MyMail.Password = myPassword
MyMail.AddAddress myTo
MyMail.Subject = mySubj

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Redirect ""
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If
Set MyMail = Nothing

%>I'm afraid that I don't know what the error is - something inside of the ASPEmail object you are using...

I had a look through their documentation at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - but nothing seems to explain why this particular message... unless its also something from your outgoing mail server?It worked fine ever since I posted it.
All of a sudden it went, its okay now?Horus..
Not Ok.I contacted tech support and here is what they told me:
"To protect the integrity of our mail servers, we have implemented a setting
which requires users to send from an actual email address. This setting
prevents the sending of email using a spoofed address in the ‘from’ field.
This means that a sender must use the same ‘from’ address as the email
address being used to authenticate. As a result of this setting, the email
recipient will be able to identify the actual sender of the received email.
The ‘reply to’ address can be changed if you do not want replies sent to the
‘from’ address.

If we do not make this setting change it will allow spam to be sent through
our mail servers. The result of spam being sent through our mail servers is we
get blocked by other ISPs like AOL and Earthlink and we see a degradation in
service. Which then results in email you send to those ISPs being blocked.

objEmail.Username = "[email protected]" and objEmail.From = "[email protected]" have
to use the same email address."

Here is my aspemail code:


Dim MyMail
' General Message Info
myHost = ""
myEmail = "[email protected]"
myPassword = "MyPassword"
myTo = "myAddress"
mySubj = "Rental Inquiry from Quinta Anabtawi"
myMsg = request.form("message")
strName = request.form("name")
strEmailUser = request.form("email")
straday = request.form("aday")
stramonth = request.form("amonth")
strayear = request.form("ayear")
strdday = request.form("dday")
strdmonth = request.form("dmonth")
strdyear = request.form("dyear")

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName & "<br />" & VBNewLine
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser & "<br />" &
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Dates Requested : From "& straday
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & stramonth
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strayear
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & " To : " & strdday
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strdmonth
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "/" & strdyear & "<br />" & VBNewLine
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & myMsg & "<br />" & VBNewLine

Set MyMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
MyMail.Host = myHost
MyMail.body = strEmailMess

MyMail.IsHTML = True
MyMail.From = request.form("email")
MyMail.Username = myEmail
MyMail.Password = myPassword
MyMail.AddAddress myTo
MyMail.Subject = mySubj

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Redirect ""
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If
Set MyMail = Nothing


I am not sure where to make the requested changes. Thanks for any help!