Error Generating JAX-WS in MyEclipse 9


New Member
Error:\[code\]An internal error occurred during: "Generating JAX-WS Web Services".Unable to create JAXBContext\[/code\]I am getting the above error in generating a JAX-WS web service, bottom-up from a java class; it seems to be a problem in returning ArrayList<> referenced with an object that is an EJB that is within the web service in another package. My Example: in this following case the ArrayList of the method \[code\]getDatacentreLatestReading\[/code\] is not referenced and generating the web service works fine:\[code\]public static final int DAILY_INTERVAL = 1;public static final int WEEKLY_INTERVAL = 2;public static final int MONTHLY_INTERVAL = 3;public static final int YEARLY_INTERVAL = 4;public static final int DATA_EXPIRITION_DAYS = 7;public static ArrayList<String> getCountryList(){ ...}...public static ArrayList getDatacentreLatestReading(String country, EnergyCompany company){...}\[/code\]But specifying the ArrayList with an EJB (Server object) as follows it fails, and the problem is for all methods that have this kind of return type:\[code\]public static ArrayList<Server> getDatacentreLatestReading(String country, EnergyCompany company){ ...}\[/code\]Could anyone help please? Any suggestions?Thanks in advance.