Error: Forbidden<


Staff member
Okay, just got my server set up using PHPDev4... if I go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/gah.php">http://localhost/gah.php</a><!-- m --> , the site shows up... however, when i go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> i get a forbidden error.

what could be the problem?

okay, upon firther inspection i found that the filed viewable remotely have to be in the "public" directory.

does anyone know how to configure it so that files in the www folder can be viewed?can you show your config file? (httpd.conf)

seems like when call from localhost, it's "private" and when call with internet ip, it's public...

try putting
<directory www>
allow from all
</directory>i've got two-- httpd.default and httpd

httpd.default looks fine, but httpd is all scrambled

where should i put that code?scan thru your httpd and check where you have the root directory

i'm on linux but it shouldn't be so different...
here my part of httpd.conf

DocumentRoot /home/www
<Directory /home/www/>
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

so check yours if they is something similar
(i don't know which one of the two)okay, thanks a lot!it should be serverName as it is pointing to localhost or so if you want the outside world to see it then you enter the IP there.

that should be all you have to do.

but phpdev is very limited so not sure why you used it.but phpdev is very limited so not sure why you used it. because i was so frustratd with setting it up manually... someone should make a pre-set up one!you did when you installed it the first time :P that is why you should have saved it also with your other stuff.Why do you say that PHPdev is limited?

It has Apache, PHP, mySQL, PHPmyadmin, an FTP server, example code, and so on.

What else do you need?all of the extenions that php can run (the fun stuff). those all-in-one installers don't have all of the extensions. like pdf or gd library or gzip, many others.

haven't looked at one in while but that is the way it was coming out.

waht is the point of running php if you can't do everything it can?