What is this error message trying to say?
Error: The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.
What is the cause of this error?
I have a JavaScript code that displays the contents of an array variable in a popup window. The user can edit or add some contents into this array variable.
The original browser window has the page with the following JavaScript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// The public array variable.
// Actually, this variable is an array of arrays;
// the main index to this array is a string representing
// a custom property's name.
var ArrayValues = new Array();
// The following function is used for debugging purposes
// only. It displays the contents of ArrayValues in an
// alert() dialog box.
function exposeArray()
content = '';
for(var property in ArrayValues)
var index = ArrayValues[property].index;
var val = ArrayValues[property].value;
content += property + '[' + index + '] = ' + val + '\n';
// The following function is the handler to the onClick
// event of the Edit button, the button that launches
// a popup window.
function showItems(property)
// Debug: display contents of ArrayValues
// Display the popup window
var itemsWindow =
window.open('http://www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?property=' + property);
The popup window contains code that adds an item to the ArrayValues array variable. The updating occurs in the popup window's onUnload handler:
// Variable "property" is a global variable.
var property;
function unload()
var parentWindow = window.opener;
if(parentWindow.ArrayValues[property] == null)
parentWindow.ArrayValues[property] = new Array();
parentWindow.ArrayValues.index =
The first time the Edit button is clicked, the viewer pops up successfully. But after I made some changes in the ArrayValues array by using the popup window, the second time I clicked the Edit button, the "callee has disappeared" error message popped up. The error pointed to the line "var index = ArrayValues[property].index;" in the exposeArray() function.
Error: The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.
What is the cause of this error?
I have a JavaScript code that displays the contents of an array variable in a popup window. The user can edit or add some contents into this array variable.
The original browser window has the page with the following JavaScript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// The public array variable.
// Actually, this variable is an array of arrays;
// the main index to this array is a string representing
// a custom property's name.
var ArrayValues = new Array();
// The following function is used for debugging purposes
// only. It displays the contents of ArrayValues in an
// alert() dialog box.
function exposeArray()
content = '';
for(var property in ArrayValues)
var index = ArrayValues[property].index;
var val = ArrayValues[property].value;
content += property + '[' + index + '] = ' + val + '\n';
// The following function is the handler to the onClick
// event of the Edit button, the button that launches
// a popup window.
function showItems(property)
// Debug: display contents of ArrayValues
// Display the popup window
var itemsWindow =
window.open('http://www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?property=' + property);
The popup window contains code that adds an item to the ArrayValues array variable. The updating occurs in the popup window's onUnload handler:
// Variable "property" is a global variable.
var property;
function unload()
var parentWindow = window.opener;
if(parentWindow.ArrayValues[property] == null)
parentWindow.ArrayValues[property] = new Array();
parentWindow.ArrayValues.index =
The first time the Edit button is clicked, the viewer pops up successfully. But after I made some changes in the ArrayValues array by using the popup window, the second time I clicked the Edit button, the "callee has disappeared" error message popped up. The error pointed to the line "var index = ArrayValues[property].index;" in the exposeArray() function.