ERROR ashx could not create type 'jQueryUploadTest.Thumbnail' in jquery-file-upload?


New Member
,i want use the jQuery file uploaderit has the sample[Complete code example using blueimp jQuery file upload control in Asp.Net.] .i try to use it ,by example.
i copy the css,js,image and the *.ashx file into my project,when i running >>>error
could not create type 'jQueryUploadTest.Thumbnail'
in Thumbnail.ashx file\[code\]<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" CodeBehind="Thumbnail.ashx.cs" Class="jQueryUploadTest.Thumbnail" %>\[/code\]in Thumbnail.ashx.cs file\[code\]using System.Web;namespace jQueryUploadTest { public class Thumbnail : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"; context.Response.WriteFile(context.Server.MapPath("~/JQueryFileUpload/images/default_thumb.jpg")); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } }}\[/code\]same ERROR for 'FileTransferHandler.ashx' file is occured.
anybody help me?tanks