error 404 customising


Anyone tell me how to customise my error pages such as 404 and what they should be saved as?<!--content-->I customized mine. I had to make an error404.html web page, save it in the root directory. Then I had to make an .htaccess file that called the files when a page wasn't found. For this I had to contact the server, to follow the correct steps. My .htaccess file looks like this:<br />
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ErrorDocument 404 /error404.htm<br />
ErrorDocument 401 /error401.html<br />
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I wrote it in notepad, and saved it as .htaccess<br />
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no file name, just the extension.<!--content--><br />
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You must be able to access telnet on your host, though, before you can use HTACCESS.<!--content-->interesting, I just made the file, and ws_ftp'd it to my server. No problems. Just standard phone connection.<!--content-->Well, I tried it and my server won't accept .htaccess<!--content-->Does your server accept telnet connections? If not, you're probably not going to get HTACCESS.<!--content-->I dunno, I have emailed my server provider and as usual am waiting for a reply.......<!--content-->Well, I finally heard back, and this is what they had to say:<br />
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In regard to the custom 404 page unfortunately this is not possible on our system as it requires<br />
client HTACCESS to the server (forbidden due to security issues).<br />
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Any suggestions?<!--content-->is this a free server, or a pay for services? If its free change to another. If its pay, change to another! You should be able to find one easily which will let you customize your 404 pages.<br />
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But, if your server wont let you....then you can't.<!--content-->it's a pay server, and apart from this they have been good as gold.........<br />
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SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
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Thanks all for the help though<!--content-->