Error 403 on form submit

I've got a problem with a form in the administration area of my website. I use it for changing the displayed HTML text, it is written in PHP and connects to a MySQL database.\[code\]echo "<form action=\"index.php?kat=infos&aktion=upd&kategorie=$kategorie\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\">\n";echo "<table border=\"0\">\n";echo "<b>$kategorie</b>\n";echo "<tr><td><b>Information:</b></td><td><textarea name=\"info\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"7\">$info</textarea></td></tr>\n";echo "<tr><td><input type=\"submit\" value="Editieren\" /></td></tr>\n";echo "</table>\n";echo "</form>\n";\[/code\]If i enter some small sentences like "This is a test text only." and click the submit-button, the index.php accepts the data and inserts it into the database just as it should. But if I enter a longer text like the disclaimer from I get a Error 403 on form submit.I do not think it is because of the longer text, because if I write some longer random text in there it works, too.I hope you can help me with this one.