Error: 3.7.1: How to delete Notices?


New Member
Howto delete it? It must go be away...


Thanks in advance,

the notice in the shout box says that you don't have permission "or banned" to view, so fix the usergroup permissions or the users permission and that will go away... for the shout box, other than that I don't understand what your trying to say, can you please explain..
oh, ok, this shows when you add a notice for your members to see, I don't know why its showing on its own like that, I've actually never used that feature and won't use it, but if you want to delete it totally from your template and are not gonna use this feature...try this:


open the navbar
find and DELETE
<if condition="$show['notices']">
	<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
		<td class="thead">$vbphrase[notices]</td>
		<td class="alt1">$notices</td>
	<br />

then replace with:
<br />

this will completely delete that part.
The option to add a notice will still be there (some where as I've never used it), but will not be added to your site page as you've deleted where it will show.

anyway if you don't want that to show and don't want to add notices for members delete that bit of the navbar that I showed you and you should not see that message again,

hope that helps, let me know how it goes
Now i see this in IE and this in FF, what's wrong how can i fix this. This is a modified skin maded from 3.7.1 default skin.


This small bug need to be fixed to, i'm not happy with this!

by the way its not a bug as 3.7.1 works fine for me
check your notices in your admincp, found on the left, open notices manager
it might be a problem with your script as mine is working fine.
see your notices and if you've edited it in any way, The 3.7.1 script is working fine for me and this might be due to a mod you have or the script you installed or templates editing contains error
disable all modifications and see what happens, or update the navbar & header template with original that you backed up (if you have).

I hope your talking about the "Klaar" bit! if not then its just the style lokking slightly different in both browsers

back to the problem.....
The problem also might be with the style your using, the navbar or header template has an error in it, or your using an old style not compatible with 3.7.1

its more likely because of the script install, an error in the navbar or header template, an error because a mod you have installed is'nt compatible or clashes with vbulletin notices, or just simply because you edited the templates so much you don't know where you went wrong( I read your other problems and I realised you edit alot of your templates so don't blame it to being a might be because of you editing the templates and going wrong with the style.......I hope you've been backing up your templates cause you might have to update the whole script again.

Next time please be more specific on what you've done before this comes up.....the first pic you showd is not the same as the other pic with different style, you have to give more info on what you've done before this problem occured so you can round up a single solution instead of getting multiple options that might be the problem like you just have got.
Dont you see the dirfference on the images! on IE he displays not all? WTF Why? this isn't a script believe me...
you must be kidding me, I would ban you if you where in my forum for your attitude
first I help you fix a problem, I don't get a thanks.....then your crying over a little line thats not showing in IE but showing in FF
why don't you go post your problem where you got the style instead of pissing me off trying to help you when all you do is just mone instead of thankin for someone giving a fuck, but hey thats my fault for trying to help,

and most of all STOP BUMPING! it is'nt doing you any good, this is my last reply to this thread
DUDE, if you want premium support go to vbulletin and give it a shot!!! BUY the software.

Anyhow, what's the big deal that one line isn't showing, I didn't even notice in the screen shots anything different until I looked real hard.
Masa said:
What up with this? stop bumping your post if someone knows the answer they will answer you!

Next time wait at least 24 hours befor bumping