Ensuring Correct Field Entries but....


Staff member
Hello again, (transferred this post)

I've been trying to really put together this script to be more...uhmm..."form friendly" to site visitors or whoever would care to fill it up...but at the same time, make sure that they properly fill up the field forms...i.e. really put in a correct email, telephone nos. etc...

The script attached has already been "fixed" of some bugs (at least those w/c ive found)...thanks to a couple of forumers here (see my previous posts). However, I still want it to be even more... "form friendlier"...if you care to check out the script...all fields are ensure that all the data field entries are correctly inputted..name, email, telephone no. etc...however, it also Requires that these fields are filled up before submit (you cant leave it blank)...How can I turn this "requirement" off without sacrificing that the correct field entries are inputted??? What do i need to change or take out of the script?

I just realized that I seem to have focused too much in requiring that field entries Not only be properly filled up but also have to be filled up.