Hope you guys can help, pulled out all my hair already!
Need to make a MySQL connection in
php: mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass);
First of all, what is the host? Is it www.[mysite].com? Because my web provider provided me with the following information:
database name: [mysite]SQL
--- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www">http://www</a><!-- m -->.[mysite].com/cgi-sys/sqldir/[mysite]SQL.cgi
What's the adress and .cgi all about?
I know this is all very basic, hehe, but this has got me all stooped. Please help me!
Daniel Lindros
Need to make a MySQL connection in
php: mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass);
First of all, what is the host? Is it www.[mysite].com? Because my web provider provided me with the following information:
database name: [mysite]SQL
--- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www">http://www</a><!-- m -->.[mysite].com/cgi-sys/sqldir/[mysite]SQL.cgi
What's the adress and .cgi all about?
I know this is all very basic, hehe, but this has got me all stooped. Please help me!
Daniel Lindros