End of Downtime -> Upgrade next


New Member

I think that downtime is over (server was down for about 6-10 hours), now it's time for an upgrade. I will start around 22.00 (GMT 0), and I hope it won't take longer than 4 hours.

-- .v0id
- in behalf of vBTEAM.iNFO
psilocybin said:
We must have shut down while I was sleeping. The site has been up for me everytime I've been on . :)
Well, I woke up at 12.00 GMT and it was down until I came back from shopping at 18.00 GMT.

Now I will have to polish up the style, find all plugins and start upgradeing :) I also think that I will add some alternative skins (probably heavier styles, because I won't have time to make them lighter) for our users to choose from.
psilocybin said:
We can always customize the styles after they are installed too. Compress images, delete unnecessary images, etc..

We should work on getting upgraded first, then worry about the styles. :)
Well, I will use my style as a default one after upgrade, then we'll think about other styles.