Encrypting SOAP messages.


New Member
Hello, (my first post here)

I have some questions about XML and SOAP.

Background: I am building an application that (as it turns out) is going to do quite a of communicating via SOAP. The sending and recieving is taking place on both via ASP and PHP.

Question 1: How safe is it to use soap? In this case I know who the transmitters and receivers are, but how easy is it for a hacker to simulate a client and make my server believe that I am getting information from the right source when I am not?

Question 2: I have found ways to encrypt data when both the receiver and sender are using PHP... but what happens when the sender and receiver are on two different platforms? Is there a common and easy way to encrypt/decrypt over platforms?

I have spent days googling and trying to figure this out, but it seems as if I am the only one in the whole world who would like to encrypt my XML data being sent via SOAP.

PLEASE somebody give me hope...