Encoding.Unicode.GetString error when resolving encryption Byte()


New Member
Have been trying to encrypt an xml file to a string so that I may transfer it over a service. The transmission is from server to server using a symetric key compiled into the code.I have been using the AES sample from MSDN and then converting the byte arry to and from a string like so:\[code\] ' Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. Dim encrypted As Byte() = crypto.EncryptString(original, _key, _iv) Dim encrypStr As String = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(encrypted) '''' >>> Transmit... Dim postTrans As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(encrypStr) ' Decrypt the bytes to a string. Dim roundtrip As String = crypto.DecryptString(postTrans, _key, _iv)\[/code\]Without the middle two line the encrypt/decrypt works fine, with the middle two lines included I either recieve a badly formed xml document that cannot be parsed or a "Padding is invalid and cannot be removed" error.Is this not a good method for string encryption? It works perfectly without converting the byte() to string ad back.