

Hello to all.... well I guess I will get right to it, I have this chunk of code that I want it many different html files. Is there a way to take this chunk, stick into an external html file and then somehow "insert" it into the relevant files????<!--content-->Yes... you can either use SSI or PHP<br />
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If you are using SSI (I should say: "If you server is SSI enabled"), the main file you save as main.shtml and insert <!--include virtual="insertfile.htm" --> in there. Note that your include file (in this case insertfile.htm) can be named whatever you want: .inc, .ssi, .whatever!<br />
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If you are using PHP, the main file you save as main.php and insert <? include("insertfile.htm"); ?><br />
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HTH<!--content-->Excellent, thank you!<!--content-->No problem! :rocker:<!--content-->