Embedding Sound


Can anyone help the new guy?<br />
I need to embed a background sound into my web page. Can anyone give me any pointers?<br />
Probably noddy stuff to you guys, but I'm quite new to HTML.<br />
Thanks in advance<br />
Pete<!--content-->I haven't embedded sound into a site in quite some time. However, I believe this may serve your purpose.<br />
<br />
<embed src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"yourfile.wav" autostart="true" hidden="false" loop="true" height=40 width=145 volume=50 controls=largeconsole><br />
<br />
Bear in mind that it can be a .wav or a .mid file. Also, 'largeconsole' can read 'smallconsole' and, well, I think you get the picture. Tweak it to your liking.<br />
<br />
Happy Holidays.<!--content-->Thanks people! I too have tried the "embed" tag in IE and have had problems (hence this post!) I will try the "bgsound" option instead.<br />
once again thanks for your atention.<br />
Pete<!--content-->Sorry to be a nuisance but.....<br />
I have tried both methods described above and can get them to work fine locally, but they refuse to work when I upload them to a server. All necessary files are transferred and put in the correct folders. Any ideas? Cheers.<br />
Pete.<!--content-->You can make the sound loop over and over again by putting <bgsound src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"file.ext" loop="infinite"> Or you can put a number (1,2,3,etc.) to only have it loop that many times.<!--content-->I think I may have been using an iffy .wav file. i have just changed it for a different one and it now works fine.<br />
Thanks very much for your help and comments dudes!<!--content-->