Embedding Media Player


Hello,<br />
<br />
Does anyone know any way of, when embedding a video file on a web page (with Windows Media Player) using either <EMBED> or <OBJECT>, of allowing the user to toggle to full-screen mode and back? (In the same way that you'd use Alt+Enter in Media Player standalone) <br />
<br />
This web page would actually be sitting on the client desktop, so I need to find some way of doing this without requiring an internet connection to access components elsewhere. <br />
<br />
Thanks<!--content-->youw will have to use <br />
<br />
<object><br />
<br />
<embed></embed><br />
<br />
</object><br />
<br />
format.IE on windows will need <object> to put MP in the page and use it while NS onwindows and IE and NS on MAC os will require <embed> to see a emedded au/video program on the page<!--content-->http://htmlgoodies.com/tutors/embed.html video and sound will work the same way.<!--content-->