Embedded Frames/Page


Embedded frame may not be the term I'm looking for, but I'm trying to setup a site that the navigation is on the main page and an embedded frame or page or whatever you want to call it is in the center of the main page with the scroll-bar. I have an example of what I'm looking for. It is actually a text box but it is the look incase I'm making no since trying to describe it. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com/navigation/dynamic-frameset.html">http://javascript.internet.com/navigati ... meset.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Sorry, I'm in a real rush so I can't go into detail but I think that you need to use an iFrame. You should be able to find a tutorial here:<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stars.com">www.stars.com</a><!-- w --> (I think)<br />
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Hopefully someone else can fill you in on the details.<br />
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HTH Gotta run.<!--content-->That was it. Works pretty nice.<br />
Thanks<!--content-->Hi <br />
I may be mistaken - but I believe that <iframe> is not supported by Netscape 4.7<!--content-->Possibly, but after last night I'm through with trying to please Netscape users :angry:<br />
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It's a pain in the butt. :booty:<!--content-->Originally posted by drivle <br />
Hi <br />
I may be mistaken - but I believe that <iframe> is not supported by Netscape 4.7<br />
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Actually, inline frames are not supported by the whole Netscape family.<!--content-->Well that's their loss then! :) What would you do instead? Would you have to use layers?<!--content-->Just pointing it out.<!--content-->Originally posted by whkoh <br />
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Actually, inline frames are not supported by the whole Netscape family. <br />
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Really!!! Never knew that. <br />
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BUT is there anyway to overcome this problem? I used iframes so that the page loads faster (since the moreover news code takes some time to load)...with the full code (2 types of news on 1 page), it takes about 22000 bytes...without it, it takes only about 6000 bytes. <br />
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I guess I have to change a lot of stuff (used about 7 iframes) on my site. Thanks Golidlocks and whkoh for mentioning it.<!--content-->I know I'm a newbie here - so I politely bow to all, however - I have to say that I can't agree with Goldilocks saying<br />
Well that's their loss then! <br />
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Netscape users don't let go! A great majority of them are Linux/Unix users and firmly believe in what they use, (I'm a dabbler also....)<br />
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I believe that if you design for the web - you design for all. AND, if some people don't speak English 100% (analogy - Netscape) well, perhaps we can make exceptions. <br />
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That is not to say that Netscape is a *lesser* browser - in fact - it truly points out the errors in your code.<br />
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How many times I've found a missing tag that works in IE and Opera but not Netscape....<br />
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For what it's worth, I think it's a good thing that "it takes all sorts to make a world."<br />
- or is that not a well known idiom in the US?<br />
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Anyway - I do have quite a few Netscape visitors - see below.<br />
<br />
MSIE 5.x (68%) <br />
MSIE 4.x (19%) <br />
Netscape 4.x (8%) <br />
Netscape comp. (2%) <br />
Opera x.x (1%) <br />
MSIE 3.x (0%) <br />
Unknow (0%) <br />
Netscape 5.x (0%) <br />
Netscape 3.x (0%) <br />
MSIE 2.x (0%) <br />
<br />
<br />
I know they don't add up - but they are fractions of percentages.....<br />
Anyway - It shows around 10% Netscape and for that many - I will adapt!<!--content-->For what it's worth, I think it's a good thing that "it takes all sorts to make a world." <br />
- or is that not a well known idiom in the US? <br />
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A colleague just emailed me and told me that the above quote sounded confrontational<br />
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I was completely unaware of this - and to be honest, after reading and re-reading I still am. However, if this proves to be the case - I appologise unreservedly, it was merely a question.<!--content-->Originally posted by drivle <br />
I know I'm a newbie here - so I politely bow to all, however - I have to say that I can't agree with Goldilocks saying<br />
Well that's their loss then! <br />
<br />
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That's okay drivle! I think I was having a bad day and feeling totally anti-Netscape! I agree with what you're saying as such a large number of people do use Netscape. It's just frustrating when you spend ages getting something looking just right only to find it doesn't work in Netscape. Luckily I spend most of my time working on my company intranet where I know that every single user is using IE5+ to view it and I don't have to worry about Netscape problems!<br />
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It would just be nice to have a single standard browser type to design for all the time. I can dream can't I...?<!--content-->Originally posted by drivle <br />
Netscape users don't let go! A great majority of them are Linux/Unix users and firmly believe in what they use, (I'm a dabbler also....)<br />
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I believe that if you design for the web - you design for all. AND, if some people don't speak English 100% (analogy - Netscape) well, perhaps we can make exceptions. <br />
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That is not to say that Netscape is a *lesser* browser - in fact - it truly points out the errors in your code.<br />
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How many times I've found a missing tag that works in IE and Opera but not Netscape....<br />
...<br />
Anyway - It shows around 10% Netscape and for that many - I will adapt!<br />
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well said! I completely agree. Netscape isn't going away any faster than the collections of 'we don't like microsoft' people!<!--content-->