Embedded Content


Can someone help the newest of the newbies? I'm trying to include some embedded content in my site and I don't understand the steps neccessary to put it in particular positions on my page? Any help is appreciated! :)<!--content-->hmmm... can you explain a bit more please? wave some code around perhaps? are you referring to a table layout or a css layout? is this some object we're moving? what code do you currently have?<br />
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Cheers<br />
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dave<!--content-->is it media like a movie or a sound<!--content-->I have a similar problem with the images on my page @ <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~chatsol/">http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~chatsol/</a><!-- m --><br />
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I spent hours creating an image, with a layer inserted (supposedly) into a specific position. I cleaned up the family coat of arms, removed a section and layered the DNA in the open spot. I must say, I was rather pleased with the results, until I looked at it on-line!<br />
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When you visit the page, depending on your browser, that darned DNA image pops up in the strangest of places! It can be where it's supposed to be, somewhere off to the left, off to the right or somewhere highter or lower on the page. <br />
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Since I am a novice at all of this, I THOUGHT using "absolute" position for the "X-Y" settings was the answer..not even. Then I tried "center" thinking, surely THAT would do the trick, not so.<br />
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Short of editing the animated DNA image (creating a static image), I am at a loss as to how I can get the image I created to be the one that shows on the page. <br />
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Any suggestions out there for a grandma' with floating DNA?????:confused:<!--content-->