embed video in email...possible?


Staff member
I've embedded video in a web page, but when i try the same thing in an email it doesn't work. What i did was to open a new message and go to the source tab and entered exactly what i do in a web page. I tried using the URL to an AVI file i uploaded and even using just the file name and attaching the AVI to the email. <br />
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I want the video to play upon opening of the email by the recipient.<br />
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Any suggestions? Or can this even be done?<br />
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Thanks...<!--content-->It definitely CAN be done. I have seen it, but could not figure out how it worked. It was linked to a file external to the email, not actually sent as part of the message, although it did play inside the email. Iframes, maybe? Idunno. Good luck.<!--content-->Try converting (compressing) the file to an mpeg using quicktime or similar and then send it as an attachement instead of typing it in as a HTML tag. If you are sending it as an AVI it would have to be a short amount of video because it would possibly be too large to receive or send through most email hosts.<br />
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?? -speculation of course<!--content-->