<embed> tags to access cgi virtually


can i activate a cgi in a static page via <embed></embed> tags? i know it doesnt work with a <!--include//--> statement.

please give me some feedback
chris<pixelmonkey>:DYou sure come up with some hard/imaginative questions :)

I don't believe that will work. Embedded elements are handled on the client side, not the server side, like a cgi script would most likely be. The source for the embed tag can be remotely stored, but it needs to Download and use a client side application to run it.

Or maybe someone knows differently.

KevinYou CAN include CGI scripts in a static page by using either

<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/script.cgi" -->
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/script.cgi" -->

Usually these .html documents need to be renamed to .shtml before the server will parse them.i tried both of the lines you listed.. and worked them around some, but still not active. the code i'm currently working with is:



<!--#exec cgi="ubb/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi" -->


<!--#include virtual="/ubb/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi" -->


clean and cut simple. i have the text listed between the includes for a break point to see which is working. i have tried them both seperately, and together, and with slashes at the start & without. The U in my cgi is capped because my server is Unix. any other suggestinos?

i have a cold, but the gears are still turning
chris<pixelmonkey>:DHi Chris,

Do you get some errors when you use that code? Or do the tags display in your source code?

Eg: You goto 'view' -> 'source' and you still see:
<!--#exec cgi="ubb/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi" -->

This will tell you if SSI is being parsed on your pages. If not, you will need to enable SSI. Or try renaming your page to end with an extension '.shtml'.

If SSI is enabled, but something is wrong with your cgi-script, you will get an error similiar to :

[ Error Processing... blah blah]

Regards,big duh on my part! i forgot to add the s in *.shtml

let me try that again!..... it works! no all i need to do is hack around on the header location and display my static content below that, before the main cgi (ubb 5.45c)
