embed .exe file in HTML page


Is it possible to embed an .exe file into a HTML page that runs automatically when the page is loaded? <br />
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Or how about for the .exe file to run in a new window, say using javascript?<!--content-->No way - the risk of viruses would be incredible. The best you are likely to get is providing a link to the EXE file, so users can Download <!--more--> and then run it. I suppose it's possible there are hacks out there, but I hope not! <br />
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Adam<!--content-->ok that seems reasonable enough.<br />
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What i want is a simple .exe that opens up word on the clients computer, then saves the content of the document in a hidden form field. Do you know if this is possible?<br />
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Also, can word be invoked using, say javascript (remember i need to copy the contents of the document, including images).<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->No javascript does not have access to the hard drive or executable files.<!--content-->if you just embed the msword file in a link<br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"xxxxx.doc">Word File</a><br />
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Typically when a user clicks on this link and the system has MS Word installed it should automatically open the file with MS Word.....<br />
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There are ways of using Java Applets and MS ActiveXControls to run .exe files<br />
,however, the question will still remain,do you really need to go through all that trouble? while you can open word with the code line I posted above.<!--content-->I've written a simple activeX that will open word when clicked on. What i need this for is so that customers who write reports in Word can include images/ screenshots, and then the word content can be copied and saved as a binary file, to be sent to the server. This has to be done because at the moment each word file sent to the company is a few megs each in size due to the graphics. This will save server space as the content will be saved as binary (BLOB or image on SQL server) instead of a .doc.<br />
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The reason i asked about the .exe file is because its easier to do if you create an exe (i am using visual basic) as it lets you add an OLE container to .exe files, but not to ActiveX files: the word document pops up in the OLE container, and the content is easily copied, ready to be converted.<br />
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But it needs to be as an activeX plugin to run from a webpage, so the conversion of the content can be passed to a variable in the activeX code, to be passed to a HTML form.<br />
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I've got as far as opening word and copying the content, but i have no idea how to convert the content to binary or hex , or how to pass this to a form field. Is it possbile to pass an ActiveX variable to a standard HTML form???<br />
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whew. sorry about the long explanation, but its better understood this way than in dribs and drabs.<br />
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cheers<!--content-->I haven't really used VB/ActiveX, but you might be able to manually open a HTTP connection to the server and upload the file as a stream. Alternatively, you could save the file to the hard disk (as you are using ActiveX) and then upload using the HTML file upload control?<br />
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I don't believe you have to convert anything, because you should just be able to store the doc file in a BLOB field (I think). After all, a doc file is just a specific format for binary data, like a text file or whatever else.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Originally posted by moondance <br />
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........ Is it possbile to pass an ActiveX variable to a standard HTML form???<br />
cheers <br />
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The way MS Products work here is a suggestion,I am prety sure it will work..:D <br />
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Suppose below is your activex control variable that has the all the contents of the doc file<br />
Dim whatever as String(pardone me if syntax is wrong)<br />
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you can try to do this<br />
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document.formName.textFieldName.value=whatever<br />
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I am prety sure..IE will convert it to required format..<!--content-->